Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ strongcontracted ]
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be-sleán, p. -slóh, pl. -slógon; pp. -slagen; -slægen, -slegen; instr.
Wright's OE grammar
To beat, strike or cut off, take away, bereave; decollare, cædendo orbare, privare
Show examples
  • Ðǽr wæs heáfde beslagen se strengesta martyr sanct Albanus

    decollatus itaque martyr fortissimus sanctus Albanus,

    there the bravest martyr,
      St. Alban, was beheaded, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 33.
  • He beslóh synsceaðan gewealde

    he bereft the impious of power,

      Cd. 4; Th. 4, 17; Gen. 55.
  • Wuduwan freóndum beslægene

    widows bereft of friends,

      94; Th. 121, 15; Gen. 2010.
Full form


  • be-sleán, v.