Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


  • noun [ feminine ]
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ge-niht, -nyht, es; n: e; f.
Abundance, fulness, sufficiency; abundantia, ūbertas
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  • Wénst ðú ðæt se ánweald and ðæt geniht seó to forseónne

    thinkest thou that power and abundance are to be despised?

      Bt. 33, 1; Fox 120, 22, 24, 26.
  • Hý beóþ oferdrencte on ðære genihte ðínes húses

    inebriābuntur ab ūbertāte dŏmus tuæ,

      Ps. Th. 35, 8.
  • To genihte

    in abundantia,

      Ps. Th. 77, 25, 27: 84, 6: Menol. Fox 364; Men. 183.
  • Ðú sealdest me wilna geniht

    thou gavest me the fulness of my desires,

      Kmbl. 285; Seel. 146: Cd. 90; Th. 113, 21; Gen. 1890: Ps. Th. 4, 8.
[O. H. Ger. ge-nuht copia, abundantia.]
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v.  ge-nyht.
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  • ge-niht, n.