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  • verb [ weak ]
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ge-swencan, -swæncan; p. -swencte; pp. -swenced, -swenct [swencan to disturb, vex]
Wright's OE grammar
§531; §643;
To disturb, agitate, trouble, vex, fatigue, outweary, afflict, harass, oppress; pulsāre, agĭtāre, trībŭlāre, vexāre, fătīgāre, afflīgĕre, affĭcĕre, opprĭmĕre
Show examples
  • Herodes cyning wolde geswencan sume of ðære gelaðunge

    Herod the king would afflict some of the church,

      Homl. Th. ii. 380, 25: Salm. Kmbl. 299; Sal. 149.
  • Híg eów to deáþe geswencaþ

    morte affĭcient ex vobis,

      Lk. Bos. 21, 16: 8, 45.
  • Sarai híg ðá geswencte and heó sóna fleáh út to ðam wéstene

    afflīgiente igĭtur eam Sarai fŭgam iniit,

      Gen. 16, 6.
  • Hí synne geswencton

    they outwearied sin,

      Exon. 55 b; Th. 197, 12; Az. 189: Chr. 1116; Erl. 245, 35.
  • Útancumene and elþeódige ne geswenc ðú nó

    vex thou not comers from without and strangers,

      L. Alf. 33; Th. i. 52, 14.
  • Ic geswenced sý


      Ps. Th. 101, 2, 4: Bd. 4, 9; S. 576, 27.
  • Synnum geswenced

    oppressed with sins,

      Beo. Th. 1954; B. 975: 2741; B. 1368: Andr. Kmbl. 788; An. 394.
  • He wæs geswenced mid grimmum gefeohte

    he was wearied with fierce fighting,

      Chr. Erl. 5, 30.
  • He biþ geswenct óþ geár seofone

    he will be troubled for seven years,

      Lchdm. iii. 188, 12: 192, 4: 204, 14.
  • Hí wurdan geswencte

    vexāti sunt,

      Ps. Th. 106, 38: 43, 23: Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 30, 30.
Linked entries
v.  swencan ge-swæncan.
Full form


  • ge-swencan, v.