Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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Grendel, gen. Grendles
GRENDEL, a monster destroyed by Beowulf
Show examples
  • Grendel mǽre mearcstapa, se ðe móras heóld, fen and fæsten Grendel the great traverser of the march, that ruled [held] the moors, the fen and fastness, Beo. Th. 205-208; B. 102-104. [Grendel] reste genam þrítig þegna: gewát to hám mid ðære wælfylle

    [Grendel] took thirty thanes in their rest: departed to his home with the slaughtered corpses,

      249-250; B. 122-125.
  • Grendles módor

    Grendle's mother,

      Beo. Th. 3078-3085; B. 1537-1540: 3139-3141; B. 1567-1568.
Full form


  • Grendel, n.