Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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hord-weard, es; m.
A guard of a hoard or treasure
Show examples
  • Hordweard

    the dragon which watched over the treasure,

      Beo. Th. 4576; B. 2293: 4594; B. 2302: 5102; B. 2554: 5179; B. 2593.
  • Hordweard hæleþa

    the Danish king,

      2098; B. 1047: 3708; B. 1852.
  • Hordwearda hryre [

    of the death of the first-born in Egypt], Cd. 144; Th. 179, 27; Exod. 35: [of the destruction of the Egyptians in the Red Sea ],

      169; Th. 210,6; Exod. 511.
  • Hordwearda gestreón

    the wealth of the princes of Israel,

      174; Th. 220, 3; Dan. 65.
Full form


  • hord-weard, n.