Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ strong ]
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óþ-scúfan, to push (intrans.)
away, move away
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  • Hé geséceþ (-aþ, MS. ) Syrwara lond corðra mǽste. Him se clǽna ðǽr óþscúfeþ scearplíce (the Phenix moves off quickly from the attendant birds) ðæt hé in scade weardaþ on wudubearwe wéste stówe biholene and bihýdde hæleþa monegum

    dirigit in Syrian. celeres longaeva volatus, secretosque petit deserta per avia lucos, hie ubi per saltus silva remota latet,

      Exon. Th. 209, 9; Ph. 168.
Full form


  • óþ-scúfan, v.