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  • verb [ weak ]
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sweotolian, swutelian, swytelian; p. ode.
to make clear or manifest, to shew, declare
Ǽlc gesceaft ðæt sweotolaþ, ðæt God éce is Deum aeternum esse cunctorum degentium commune judicium est,
    Bt. 42; Fox 256, 7. Hér swutelaþ on ðison cwyde hú Ædelréd geúðe ðæt Æðeríces cwyde standan móste, Chart. Th. 539, 20: 320, 24: 312, 8. Swytelaþ, 586, 25. Swetelaþ expremit, Kent. Gl. 1120. Ðæt ðæt man beháteþ, ðonne man fulluhtes gyrnþ, swytelaþ, ðæt man wile on ǽnne God gelýfan, L. I. P. 24; Th. ii. 338, 12. Hé ongan swutelian (ostendere) his leorningcnihtum, ðæt hé wolde faran, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 21.
[He schawde and sutelede he wes soð godd, Kath. 1037. He schawde him and sutelede him seolf to hire, 1834. Þet hit sutelie in us hwuch was his lif, A. R. 382, 3.]
to become manifest
Ðín mycele miht manegum swutelaþ,
    Hy. 9, 32.
[Hit schal sutelin (become manifest) sone, Jul. 18, 4. Þurh þis suteleð soð al ꝥ ich segge, Kath. 1089.]
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  • sweotolian, v.