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weorold-líf, es; n.
life in this world, life on earth
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  • Ðæt ðú mé forgyfe ðæt mínes worldlífes bletsung anstande

    ut tu mihi condones ut mundanae meae vitae benedatio permaneat,

      L. Ecg. P. iv. 67; Th. ii. 228, 3.
  • Ða ðe unrihtes on weoruldlífe worhtan,

      Ps. Th. 91, 6.
  • Nis him onwendednes on woruldlífe

    non est illis commutatio,

      54, 20: 114, 7: 118, 92 : Cd. Th. 222, 12 ; Dan. 103 : Exon. Th. 172, 11; Gú. 1142 : 294, 15 ; Crä. 15 : Wulfst. 258, 15.
  • Hé self lifde on gneáðum worold-life

    he (bishop Lupus) lived a very frugal life on earth.

      Shrn. 110, 5.
  • Ðæt hió ne wunian on worldlífe

    ita ut non sint,

      Ps. Th. 103, 33 : 61, 12: Exon. Th. 427, 7; Rä. 41. 87.
the period of the world's duration, the while the world lasts
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  • Ealle on weoruldlífe weorþaþ gedréfde

    conturbentur in seculum seculi,

      Ps. Th. 82, 13.
  • Nele God wið ende ǽfre tó worulde his milde mód mannum áfyrran on woruldlífe wera cneórissum

    numquid Deus in finem misericordiam suam abscindet a seculo et generatione?

      76, 7.
  • Ðú eart ána God ðe ǽghwylc miht wundor gewyrcean on woruldlífe,

      76, 11.
worldly life, secular life
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  • Hé mynsterlíf ðam weoruldlífe forbær

    monasticam saeculari vitam praetulit,

      Bd. 5, 19 ; S. 637, 8.
  • Hé óþer líf má lufode ðonne ðæt woruldlíf,

      S. 638, 7.
[þiss weorelldlif iss wel þurrh nihht bitacnedd, Orm. 2978.]
Full form


  • weorold-líf, n.