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Wright's OE grammar
to lament
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  • Severus cwýþeð and mǽneþ his sáwle (hine bewépð and heófað,

    v. l.) Severus plangit,

      Gr. D. 89, 34.
  • Ꝥ ic mæge míne synne cwíþan,

      Angl. xii. 508, 13.
  • Hé wæs cwíþed fram þám ymbstandendum

    a circumstantibus plangeretur,

      Gr. D. 191, 19.
  • Þonne synne beóð cwíþde and bewópene,

      244, 26.
  • Cwíðde


      Ps. Srt. 77, 63.
to make a legal complaint against, bring a charge against
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  • Nis se man on lífe ðe ǽfre gehýrde ðæt man cwídde (cwýdde,

      Ll. Th. i. 184, 11) oððon crafode hine on hundrede oððon on gemóte, on ceápstówe oþþe on cyricware, ðá hwíle hé lifde. Unsac hé wæs on lífe, Lch. iii. 288, 4. v. un-cwíd[d
Full form


  • cwíþan,