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Wright's OE grammar
a beginning.
the first part or
point of a continuous period, action, work, &c.
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  • Se dæg wæs fruma þyses lǽnan leóhtes,

      Bl. H. 133, 10.
  • Ðás circean þus gecýþde æt fruman (

    at the time of its foundation

    ) seó ilce bóc,
      197, 26.
  • Se godspellere sóna on fruman (in the very first part of his work) his godspell swá be þǽre Ióhannes gebyrde wrát, 161, 25. ¶

    the beginning of time

    :-- Swá God æt fruman getihhod hæfde,
      Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 26: 41, 2; F. 246, 17.
  • Hí on fruman tó Godes híwunga gesceapene wǽron,

      Bl. H. 61, 7.
  • Þíne welan þe þú (

    the Devil

    ) on fruman begeáte æt þæs ǽrestan mannes unhýrsumnesse,
      85, 30.
the first member of a connected series
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  • Se fruma wæs ꝥ mon forstæl ǽnne wímman æt Ícesleá,

      Cht. Th. 206, 19.
  • Þára manna þe þæt bócland on fruman (

    in the first instance

    ) gestríndon,
      Ll. Th. i. 88, 19.
the first stage of a development
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  • Þisse ádle fruman mon mæg ýþelíce gelácnian,

      Lch. ii. 232, 16.
source, origin
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  • 'Ðú cennest sunu' . . . Mid þý þe heó gehýrde þone fruman ðæs godcundan túddres, þá cwæþ heó: 'Hú mæg þis þus geweorþan . . .?,' Bl. H. 7, 20. II a. of a person,

    source, author :-- Sé sé ðæt wæter út forléte wǽre fruma ðǽre tówesnesse (caput jurgiorum ),

      Past. 279, 13.
  • Dryhten, þú ús álésdest from deáþes fruman,

      Bl. H. 89, 32.
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v. weorold-fruma.
Full form


  • fruma,