Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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gás-ríc, es; m.
An impetuous creature, a furious animal (used of the whale ; cf. the description in Wal. 5 : Se micla hwæl biþ unwillum oft geméted frécne and ferðgrim fareðlácendum)
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  • Fisc (

    a whale) flódu áhóf on fergenberig; warþ gásríc grorn þǽr hé on greút giswom (the whale was sad at being stranded ),

      Txts. 127, 6.
[For sense of gas cf. Icel. geisa to rage, geisan impetuosity: for the compound cf. the proper name Gaisaricus, and for similar form in the case of a common noun cf. Germ. wüterich.]
Full form


  • gás-ríc, n.