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  • Gépscipe


      An. Ox. 18 b, 80.
  • Hé ríxade ofer Englæland, and hit mid his geápscipe swá þurhsmeáde, ꝥ næs án híd landes innan Englælande ꝥ hé nyste hwá heó hæfde,

      Chr. 1086; P. 220, 19.
[Swich ȝepshipe forbedeð ðe apostel þere he seið; 'Nolite esse prudentes aput uosmetipsos' . . . Ðe man noteð wel his ȝiepshipe þe birgeð him seluen wið his agene soule unfreme . . . To swich ȝiepshipe mineȝede hure Helende his apostles, O. E. Hml. ii. 195, 2-10. Heo færden mid ȝeapscipe and mid wisdome, Laym. 2760.]
Full form


  • geáp-scipe,