Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


  • verb [ uncertain ]
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to fasten with a cable made of hide (?cf. þæt gafol bið . . . on þǽm sciprápum þe beóð of hwæles hýde geworht,
    Ors. l, l; S. 18, 18)
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  • Wénað wǽglíðende þæt hý on eálond sum eágum wlíten, and bonne gehýdað heáhstefn scipu tó þám unlonde (the whale) oncyrrápum, . . . and þonne in þæt églond úp gewítað (cf. an ealond he (the sailors) wenen it

    (the whale)

    is, . . . sipes on festen and alle up gangen,
      Misc. 17, 533), Wal. 13.
Full form


  • ge-hýdan, v.