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to hinder a person from going where he intends,
to stop
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  • Hé wolde tó his méder . . . ac Godwine hine gelette,

      Chr. 1036; P. 158, 22.
  • Flódwylm ne mæg manna ǽnigne ofer Meotudes ést gelettan,

      An. 518.
  • Hé wearð þurh weder gelet,

      Chr. 1097; P. 233, 17.
  • Hé him swá gelettum and swá genýddum hwæthugu getǽse gedyde

    ei commodum coacto renitentique dedit,

      Gr. D. 39, 26.
  • Se cyng geáxode ꝥ his feónd gelætte wǽron, and ne mihten ná geforðian heora fare, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 7. I a.

    to hinder a person from a journey (gen.) :-- Ne gelette ús þæs síðes se feónd, Wlfst. 252, 16. I b. the object a personification :-- Forþum oð oreldo gód weorc hine (death )

    hwílum gelettað,
      Bt. 41, 2; S. 142, 19.
to hinder a person from acting,
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  • Ðonne ðæt flǽsc bið gelett (-let,

    v. l.) mid sumum broce, Past. 257, 1. II a. to keep a person from doing something (gen. )

    :-- Hit hine ðára synna gelett ðe hé dón wolde,
      Past. 257, 22.
  • Hine ne meahte Meotudes willan longað gelettan,

      Gú. 330.
to hinder a person from progressing or developing
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  • Hý bodedon on Róme Crístendóm, ac se deófles man hý gedrehte and þæt folc gelette wundorlíce swýðe,

      Wlfst. 98, 18.
to hinder the movement of a material object
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  • Þá slóh se cwellere mid þám swurde hire tó, ac seó hálige þrynnys ꝥ swurd gelette,

      Hml. S. 12, 223.
to hinder, impede action, movement, &c.
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  • Gelet

    tricaverit (si lethi somnus palpebrarum convolatus non tricauerit ),

      An. Ox. 8, 414.
  • Gelettan

    praepedire (integritatis castimoniam ),

  • Þæt deófol wyle ǽlces mannes geþanc, gyf hé mæg, swýðe gelettan,

      Wlfst. 101, 15.
  • Ic nolde þurh gielpcwide gǽstes mínes frófre gelettan,

      Gú. 1210.
  • Ne dorston þá gelettan leng wuldorcyninges word

    they durst not longer delay to carry out God's command,

      An. 801.
  • Hys sýðfæt wæs geletted, Shrn. 98, 30. V a. to prove a stumbling-block to, to offend :-- Gelette offenderet (ne pudibunda nuditas castos


      An. Ox. 3675.
[Goth. ga-latjan: O. Sax. gi-lettian: O. H. Ger. ge-lezzen retardare.]
Full form


  • ge-lettan,