Bosworth Toller's


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  • Ball swá seó gerýnlice sððfæstnys cwyð

    sicut arcana justitia dicet,

      Ll. Th. ii. 168, 5.
  • Ǽr þon þe hé þǽre gerýnelican gegaderunge menniscre gebyrde onfénge

    before he was formed in the secrecy of his mother's womb,

      Bl. H. 165, 35.
mystic, allegorical, figurative
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  • p swíðe wel in þám hálgan stære mid gerýnelicre gesægene

    (figurata narratione)

    is awriten,
      Gr. D. 245, 15.
  • Gerýnelice smeáunge íypicum (i.

    mysticum) scrutinium,

      An. Ox. 1083.
pertaining to a sacrament, v. ge-ryne; V
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  • He þigde þá gerýnu . . . and þá wæs singende þá gerýnelican sangas his sealma

    (mysticos psalmorum cantus),

      Gr. D. 2 75 , 1 3.
  • II the following gloss seems eironeous

    Secundis i. serenis (has


    been read ?) gesundfullum, geryuelicum,
      An. Ox. 2581.
Full form


  • ge-rýnelic,