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  • Oððe se gielpna (gilpna, v. l.) and se ágíta for his góda mierringe gielpe, and wéne ðæt hé sié kystig and mildheort

    aut cum effuse quid perditur, largum se quasi miserando glorietur

      Past. 149, 19.
  • Ðǽm gielpnan (gilpnan, v. l.) bið leófre ðæt hé secge on hine selfne gif hé hwæt gódes wát

    eligit arrogans bona de se jactari

      217, 14.
[The Latin original of Past. 216, 9 is : Bona, si qua sibi occulta sunt, ostentare conatur, atque sic per impatientiam usque ad arrogantiam ducitur.]
Full form


  • gilpen,