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mann-swica, mán-swica ?. [In favour of mán- it may be noted that mann- does not occur as the first part of this compound, but does occur with -slaga; in Wlfst. 55, 6 the a has the accent in two MSS. (though in one of these mán- is written in mánslagan, Wlfst. 26, 14), and at 114, 13 manswican is a v. l. for mánsworan.]
In l. 2 read mannslagan, and add: a deceiver, cheat
Show examples
  • Án unlagu æt ðám ætfengan þe swicigende manswican lufedan be-westan,

      Ll. Lbmn, 244, 28.
  • Swá geráde manswican (man-,

    v. ll.

    ) þe on ðá wísan swǽslíce swiciað on unriht, þæt syndan forbodan
      Antecrístes, Wlfst. 55, 6.
  • Mánsworan (manswican,

    v. l.

    and þá heora hláford beswícaþ and hine forlǽtaþ his feónda(n) tó handa),
      114, 13.
    Þyder scylan manslagan and þyder scylan manswican, 203, 21.
  • Seó éhtnes þe crístene þoledon oft and gelóme þurh wælhreówe manswican,

      83, 18.
Full form


  • mann-swica,