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Wright's OE grammar
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  • Hé gelǽdde hine tó þám sceáte þǽre hálgan cyrican eum ad sanctae ecclesiae gremiun perduxit, Gr. D. 190, 26.IV a. add :-- Se munt tóbrǽddum his sceáte onféng and hæfde þis ilce cæster

    mons distenso sinu hoc idem castrum recepit,

      Gr. D. 121, 15.
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  • Áþenedum his sceáte

    extenso vestimento,

      Gr. D. 65, 9.
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  • Hé wearð gebeden fram þám nunnum ꝥ hé sume sceátas

    (mappulas) onféng, Gr. D. 143, 4. VII b. of a protective covering :-- Se godcunda anweald gefriþode his diórlingas under his fiþera sceáte (sceade, v. l. ),

      Bt. 39, 10; F. 228, 12.
  • v. offrung-, wæter-sceát.
Full form


  • sceát,