Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ feminine ]
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'the right to judge one's own thief when taken within the jurisdiction, and the privilege consequent upon that jurisdiction, viz. the receiving of the mulct, or money-payment for the crime,&'
  • Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. i. xlv.
The word, which does not occur in the earlier laws, is thus defined in those of Edward the Confessor
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  • De infangeneþef.

    Justicia cognoscentis latronis sua est de homine suo, si captus fuerit super terram suam,

    • L. Ed. C. 22
    • ;
    • Th. i. 452, 4
    • .
    In the preceding chapter, 'descripcio libertatum diversarum,' it is said the lords 'haberent eos [their men who had committed crime ] ad rectum in curia sua, si haberent sacham et socham, tol et theam, et infangene thef.' Other passages in which the word is found are L. Wil. I. 2 ; Th. i. 467, 27, Si quis eorum, qui habent soche et sache et tol et them et infangene theof, implacitetur in comitatu ; and L. H. xx. c; Th. i. 528, 9, Archiepiscopi, episcopi, comites, et alie potestates in terris proprie potestatis sue sacam et socnam habent tol et theam et infongentheaf. The word also occurs in the following charters of Edward the Confessor :-- Concedo eis in omnibus terris suis prænominatis, consuetudines hic Anglice scriptas, scilicet, infangene þeóf, etc. Chart. Th. 359, 3. A similar enumeration occurs in 384, 25 and in 411, 32. In 369, 13 the word occurs in an Anglo-Saxon charter.
      See also Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 227, 9, where is the form 'mid infangenum þeófe.'
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  • infangeneþeóf, n.