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  • noun [ feminineneuter ]
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ge-hild, es; n. ; ge-hildo, ge-hildu ; f.
a watch, guard
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  • Gé habbað gehæld (


    ); gǽþ and haldeþ swá gé cunnun,
      Mt. R. L. 27, 65.
  • Gesett gehæld muðe mínum,

      Rtl. 182, 16.
  • Ne mihte ic gangan tó eástdǽlum for Rómwarena cempena neáhhergunge and for [Persisc]ra gehældum, Hml. A. 200, 174. I a.

    a watch, period during which watch is kept :-- Swé swé gehaeld (custodia )

    in næht,
      Ps. Srt. 89, 4.
  • From gehæld morgenlicum. Rtl. 181, l.
a taking care to prevent hurt,
watchful care
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  • Þá þá he wæs geswænced mid þæs líchaman swinglan hé hæfde symble ðǽre heortan frófre þurh þá gehyldu (-hældo,

    v. l.) þæs Hálgan Gástes (per Sancti Spiritus custodiam ),

      Gr. D. 275, I.
keeping, preserving, preservation from injury or destruction
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  • hié for his gehylde (-hælde, v. l.) Gode heora béne geóten

    qui pro eius custodia Deo preces fundant

      Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 73, 14.
  • Hé ǽr Gode fylgan nolde in gehælde (on gehyldo, v. l.) þæs biscopes lífes Deum sequi prius in custodienda vita episcopi noluit, Gr. D. 195, 12. te of ðǽra tóweardurn ué hæbbe gihæld ut de futuris malis nostris habeamus custodiam, Rtl. 123, 31. Ill a. a place for keeping in safety :-- Settun swé swé æppeltún gehaeld

    posuerunt Hieru-salem velut pomorum custodiam

      Ps. Srt. 78,
defence from attack;
a defence
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  • Hé ne bið belocen mid náuum gehieldum nánes fæstenes

    nulla munitions custodiae circumcludit

      Past. 277, 18.
keeping what is prescribed,
observance of a festival
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  • Be gehylde rihtra Eástrana in obseruatione Paschae, Bd. 5, 21 ; Sch. 676, 18. V a. an observance :-- In gehaeldum ðínum bieóde

    in observationibus tuis exercebor

      Ps. Srt. 76, 13.
keeping of a law, faith, obligation, &c.
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  • For gehylde Crístes beboda

    propter obseruantiam mandatorum Christi

      3, 22 ; Sch. 298, 3.
  • Hé mægena gehyld (-heold, -hæld, v. l.) and swíþust sibbe and Godes lufan lǽrde virtutum, sed maxime pacis et caritatis, custodiam docuit, 4, 23; Sch. 468, I. Regollices þeódscipes gehyld (-heold, -hæled)

    custodiam disciplinae regularis

      4, 27 ; Sch. 516, 21.
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  • ge-hild, n.