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Wright's OE grammar
§54; §211; §465; §560;
l a. Add
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  • Gelamp ... ꝥ hí cómon on Scotland upp,

      Bd. 1, 1; Sch. 11. 4.
  • Ðá wæs ymb clxxxviii wintra fram Drihtnes menniscnysse ꝥ Severus cásere ... sé wæs seofonteogeða fram Agusto, ꝥ hé ríce onféng,

      1, 5; Sch. 17, 6-11: 1, 4; Sch. 16, 8.
add: where the verb in the main clause is passive
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  • Ne wæs hé forlǽten ꝥ hé ofer him deádum gefége,

      Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 26, 2.
  • Ic wæs beden from þaem bisceope þaeti ic him áléfde ... þeti ic him forgéfe ...,

      Cht. E. 42, 1-4. (Cf. tó ðon þaeti, 8.)
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  • Hé eác gedyde þæt Antonius his freónd wearð,

      Ors. 5, 13; S. 244, 28.
  • Hé næfþ his fóta geweald ꝥ hé mæge gán,

      Bt. 36, 4; F. 178, 13.
  • On sumre stówe se hróf wæs ꝥ man mid his handa neálíce gerǽcean mihte,

      Bl. H. 207, 22.
  • Ne híwa ðú swilce ðú mæge ... wið hí mótian ðæt ðín mód ne beó yfele besmiten, Hex. 48, 11. ¶ In the charters the word is used almost with the force of


    marking the point reached in tracing a boundary :-- Swá west wið ðan heáfdan ðæt hit cymð tó ðǽre ealdan dúne; andlang dúne west ðæt hit cymeð intó Dinamore ... súð ðæt hit cymeð tó ðárii slæde,
      C.D. iii. 389, 14-23: 24: 25: 27, and often.
2 a. Add
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  • Hwá is swá dysig ꝥ wille etan þá stánas and lǽtan þá hláfas,

      H.R. 11, 15.
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  • Geseah ic freán efstan, þæt hé mé wolde on gestígan,

      Kr. 34.
  • Ábreóðe his anginn, þæt hé hér swá manigne mann áflýmde,

      By. 243.
2. add: cf. hú;
III 2 a a.
Full form


  • þæt,