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GEORN, comp. m. geornra; f. n. geornre; sup. geornast; adj.
Wright's OE grammar
§85; §91; §426;
Desirous, eager, anxious, ardent, zealous, studious, intent, careful, diligent; cupĭdus, appĕtens, sollĭcĭtus, studiōsus, intentus, dīlĭgens
Show examples
  • Cyning biþ anwealdes georn

    a king is desirous of power,

      Exon. 89 b; Th. 337, 4; Gú. Ex. 59.
  • Georn wísdómes

    desirous of wisdom,

    81 a;
      Th. 305, 15; Fä. 88.
  • Forðam ðe ǽgðer ðæra folca wæs ðæs gefeohtes georn

    because the people on both sides were eager for the fight,

      Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 35.
  • Dǽda georn

    zealous in deeds,

      Cd.188; Th. 233, 27; Dan. 282.
  • Teónum georn

    anxious for mischiefs,

      27; Th. 36, 34; Gen. 581.
  • Azarias, dǽdum georn, Dryhten herede

    Azariah, ardent in deeds, praised the Lord,

      Exon. 53 a; Th. 185, 5; Az. 3.
  • Ic beó láreów georn

    I am a diligent instructor,

    71 b;
      Th. 267, 3; Jul. 409.
  • Mǽrþa georne

    eager for glory,

      Cd. 80; Th. l01, 5; Gen. 1677.
  • Micle hý wǽron geornran ðæt hí him fram flugen

    they were much more eager that they should go from them,

      Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 30, 9.
  • Geornast

    most eager,

      Ps. Th. 89, 10.
[Piers P. yerne eagerly: Chauc. yerne brisk, quick: R. Brun. ȝerne earnestly: Laym. ȝeorne, ȝeornen earnestly, eagerly: Orm. ȝeorne, ȝeorrne, ȝerne, ȝerrne, willingly, earnestly: O. Sax. gern desirous: Frs. jearn: O. Frs. ierne gerne willingly: Dut. gaarne willingly: Ger. gerne, gern willingly: M. H. Ger. gërne, gërn desirous: O. H. Ger. gern, gerni intentus, cupĭdus, stŭdiōsus, prōnus: Goth. gairns yearning for: Dan. gjerne gladly: Swed. gerna fain, willingly: Icel. gjarn eager, willing.]
Derived forms
DER. ælmes-georn, clǽn-, dóm-, firen-, firwet-, fyrwet-, gilp-, glig-, ídel-, lof-, sláp-, weorþ-.
Full form


  • GEORN, n.; adj.